Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Ranjha!

Without love,
all worship is a burden,
all dancing is a chore,
all music is mere noise.
All the rain of heaven may fall into the sea.

Without love,
not one drop could become a pearl.
. . . do you allow another to run your life? . . . your life is yours, and because of this fact, you must hold yourself accountable for your thoughts, feelings, behavior and actions, none else has the sovereignty . . . assume the consequences of your decisions to admit your own risk . . . claim your space, and do not allow anyone to contaminate the air that you breathe, as it's nourishment for your vital organs . . . who has extinguished your feelings for decades, has eliminated the fruit of your soul..reclaim them!~ and dedicate your life to creating a strong and balanced soul, starting with your own will ... if your in a cafeteria amongst criticism, sarcasm and judgements, MOVE AWAY!..those people are only scalding their own recycled energy...did you give them permission to enter your chamber of serenity and hurt you??? ...your inner being chooses to filter every day the best for your development..Your TRUTH. Let it guide you.. the depth of your thoughts, are yours, and you are NOT like everyone else...YOU were born with the power of creativity...because you are FREE...have u decided just, LOVE?

I love you . . . come to me my Ranjha.